  1. Upload privacyguard and IdentityIQ credit reports and scores automatically.
  2. Users can Enter and track credit scores too.
  3. Users can send a generated etter via first-class or certified mail directly from your dashboard. Never go to the post office.
  4. Users have the ability to fax a generated letter directly from your dashboard to any number e.g. credit bureau, creditor or other sources. You will get free fax pages each month and can purchase additional pages if needed.
  5. Users can view credit reports account status
  6. Create your own credit bureau database. We probably have all of them listed already in the system.
  7. Create your own creditors database. We have thousands of creditors listed already.
  8. Create your own collection agencies database.We have many collections agencies in our system already. 
  9. Create or paste your custom challenge or disputes letters into the system, give them a title and category e.g. Credit Bureau letter, Creditors letter or Collection Agencies Letter and save them.These letters can be used over and over for any person.
  10. Type person's personal information and save it.
  11. Use this information for all credit bureaus, creditors or collection agency that you can select from their database or create a new one.
  12. Select what custom letter you want to use, this letter will already be categorized as either a credit bureau, creditor or collection agency type of letter. Type the date, account number and derogatory situation for the letter and it will automatically create this dispute letter populated with the tags you placed. It will create a pdf filed formatted with your person's personal information and ready for printing.
  13. This letter will be date stamped and you can remind you when to follow-up with that person based on the number of days. You will enter how many days when you want to be reminded to follow-up with that person. The default number of days will be 30 days.
  14. After this period, the system will alert you to follow-up with that person regarding that letter that was created and sent.
  15. You will have the ability to view a list of persons to be follow-up based on the letter that was created for that person in the backend admin section.
  16. Create a new account for this person but never have to retype the person's personal information again. Use this personal information account for each credit bureau, creditor or collection agency.
  17. After creating a letter, you will have the ability to print a number 10 envelope of the person's address information as well as the CRA/Furnisher.
  18. Add placeholders within each letter to populate person's information.
  19. There are 7 custom fields that can use for any purpose,  a personal tacking numbers field, credit report number field as well as derogatory situation placeholder field and many more.
  20. Gives the user the ability to send the exact same contents of a letter to at least three separate CRAs/Furnishers saving data entry time.